Memorial Day is the “unofficial” kick off to summer and the summer outdoors cooking state of mind. When those longer sunlight filled days hit us, we have an internal desire to head back outdoors and fire up the grills, smokers, bbq stations and Blackstone’s.
Memorial Day is one of the most important holidays on the calendar, and of course it’s not a day one “Celebrates” but rather remembers. We remember those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our American Freedoms that we so very much cherish. For many of us, the day is marked with a visit to a grave sight for a sunlight service. The placing of flowers or a flag, the sound of the color guard, the playing of taps, all out of respect for those that we honor are moving moments to be sure. If you have not attended one of those, it can be a very moving and changing event.
As a company that is founded by a veteran, and with employees with family members that have served or are actively serving, we care and respect all the service men and women that helped make this country as amazing as it is. We do not take the reason for Memorial Day lightly at all.
At the same time we know it’s a great time to be with family, friends and extended love ones and when we gather, usually the most important part is the food that is served.
We just want to say thank you for considering us when you gather with the people who matter most in your life.
From all of us at Chili Dawgs Foods of Fire, Thank You.